Everyone knows that any kind of commercial building needs to be cleaned. Most companies do hire some type of commercial cleaning service. Some of these cleaning services don’t adequately clean these buildings, however, and businesses let it slide because they don’t understand the true importance of having a completely clean building for their employees to work in.

Recent studies have revealed that having a completely clean building boosts employee productivity. No employee wants to work in a dirty environment, but this revelation goes beyond just not wanting to work in a dirty office. These studies revealed that the dirty air quality in these buildings actually hindered the cognitive functions of these employees. Some of the air quality levels in these buildings were so bad, that employees experienced a noticeable drop in productivity and their ability to do work. Polluted air is known to cause health issues in people, and during these studies that were done, it was also found that poorly cleaned buildings had higher levels of air pollutants than outside. This can be extremely dangerous to your employees and cause many health problems.  To prevent these types of problems, it’s necessary that you hire a commercial cleaning service that properly cleans your building.

Another bonus to having a good cleaning service properly clean your building is the reduced amount of illnesses that are spread. Your employees will be able to work much more effectively if they are constantly sick, and a properly cleaned building can prevent the consistent spread of sickness across your employees. Regular cleaning of break rooms, bathrooms, lounge areas, and any other areas where employees congregate will allow for less sick days over all from your employees.

Thoroughly cleaning your buildings is extremely important, so make sure to always hire a cleaning service that will properly clean your building.

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